Update Jumlah Korban Kanjuruhan

Jumlah Korban Kejadian Kanjuruhan Capai 704 Orang Sabtu, 08 Okt 2022 11: 17 WIB persiapan jelang 7 hari kejadian di Stadion Kanjuruhan Kota Malang Malang- Jumlah korban Kejadian Kanjuruhan jadi 704 orang. Informasi itu tercantum korban cedera ringan, berat, wafat serta yang masih menempuh perawatan di rumah sakit. Bersumber pada informasi Dinas Kesehatan Pemprov Jawa Timur Sabtu( 8/ 10) jam 08. 00 Wib, jumlah korban wafat dunia 131 orang, cedera ringan sebanyak 550 orang, cedera berat 23 orang, serta 37 masih menempuh perawatan di rumah sakit. " Pembaharuan informasi korban Kanjuruhan hingga jam 8 pagi sebanyak 704 orang. 550 cedera ringan, 23 cedera berat, 131 wafat serta 37 dirawat," ucap Kepala Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Malang, drg Wiyanto Wijoyo dikonfirmasi detikJatim, Sabtu( 8/ 10/ 2022). Sedangkan itu, terdapat 37 korban yang masih menempuh perawatan di 43 rumah sakit serta puskesmas yang tersebar di Malang Raya. Berikut rinciannya: 1. RSUD Kanjuruhan: ced

First Day of Practice eh...

when I have reported to the Captain... I have permission to go back to the cabin crew and go down the stairs again...
in the crew cabin I met campus seniors... well.. the hierarchy must be upheld xiyayayaya...
his name is aniqudin, just call me mas Aniq, let me get acquainted with mas aniq..
Mas Aniq, this is 3 generations above me... wow, that's far enough.. chat with me there..
Mas Aniq showed me the temporary room that I will be staying in to rest... while chatting while accompanied by a drink typical of old peoplešŸ¤£...


I practice.. not alone...
I was with my friend from the next campus which was on Soekarno Hatta street....
let's say february..
this febri has gone up 1 trip after me.. ouh.. it means that you understand enough..
let's get acquainted, let's talk about the introduction of the surrounding environment...

Night came...
Next part 3


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mudik 2022

Update Jumlah Korban Kanjuruhan